Press Release
Contact: Jacob Gelfand
(760) 846-2226,
Mayor and Community Join Mission Bay RV Park to Celebrate De Anza Cove Clean-Up
City Council-approved project to remove environmental hazards, repair a coastal bike and pedestrian path, and expand affordable coastal access in N.E. Mission Bay nears completion
SAN DIEGO, Feb. 16, 2023 – On Wednesday, February 15, City of San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria joined community members at Mission Bay RV Resort in Northeast Mission Bay Park to celebrate the long-awaited clean-up of De Anza Cove.
After nearly four years of delays, the California Coastal Commission issued a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) in July 2022 to allow Northeast MB, LLC, which operates the Mission Bay RV Resort, to proceed with removal of dilapidated mobile homes that have long blighted the De Anza Cove peninsula in San Diego’s Mission Bay Park.
The clean-up effort, approved by City Council in 2019 and long anticipated by residents, will also result in an improved coastal bike path and 147 family-friendly campsites at De Anza’s Mission Bay RV Resort to expand much in-demand, coastal recreation access in the near-term as the City finalizes long-term plans for Northeast Mission Bay.
“After so many years of delays, we are thrilled to finally clean up De Anza Cove and ensure a more accessible coastline for all,” said Michael Gelfand, President of Northeast MB, LLC. “We have worked around the clock to make De Anza cleaner and safer for San Diego families, visitors and wildlife, and provide enhanced camping access to help address the shortage of affordable accommodations along San Diego’s coastline.”
Northeast MB, LLC has already abated and removed a large number of the dilapidated homes and expects the clean-up to be complete in the coming months, as well as the bike path repairs, which will bring improved connectivity to Mission Bay Park.
At the event, City of San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria addressed the crowd and construction crews removed one of the final remaining homes from the property.
“This is a huge victory and step forward for the City, public and environment,” said Jacob Gelfand, Chief Operating Officer of Mission Bay RV Resort and Campland on the Bay. “We are so honored to be here today to demonstrate firsthand how far we have already come in our clean-up project, which helps improve the environment and provide local citizens and visitors with better coastal access.”
Local community members and campers from throughout the region were also at the event to celebrate the long-awaited clean-up of De Anza.
“Local families have enjoyed camping in northeast Mission Bay for generations. After so many years of delays, we look forward to finally being able to enjoy enhanced camping opportunities at De Anza,” said Elizabeth Van Clief, Co-Chair of Friends of Campland, a local coalition formed by waterfront camping advocates. “This is especially important for the hundreds of thousands of San Diego families who rely on this corner of Mission Bay for affordable overnight access to our coastline.”
Statewide, San Diego County has among the lowest inventory of affordable coastal accommodations and access is particularly scarce in the City of San Diego. In 2019, City access was further put at risk when the former operators of the Mission Bay RV Resort at De Anza notified the City with only a few months’ notice that they would be terminating their management agreement by June 30 of that year. In response, the City worked with Northeast MB, LLC, whose sister company operates the nearby Campland on the Bay campground, to not only keep these campsites available to the public and expand affordable camping in the short-term, but to also clean-up the hazardous homes abandoned at De Anza in 2017 – as reflected in Northeast MB, LLC’s lease approved by the San Diego City Council on June 24, 2022.
For more information on Mission Bay RV Resort and Campland on the Bay, please visit or and discover why they are the most popular campgrounds in San Diego. To learn more about Friends of Campland, an advocacy group composed of volunteers, campers and community members dedicated to preserving waterfront RV camping on Mission Bay, visit